性大片1000免费看,国产麻豆91欧美一区二区,国产思思99re99在线观看,人妻在厨房被色诱 中文字幕

Stock code:002266
About Zhefu
Zhefu Group has been fully committed to the development of green economy. Currently, with deep engagement in environmental conservation, it has become a large corporate group which focuses on the manufacturing of clean energy equipment such as hydropower and nuclear power, coordinates the development of environmental conservation and equipment manufacturing, and plays a technologically advantaged and leading role in environmental conservation and large clean energy equipment manufacturing.
China Hydropower Industry
Top Three
Environmental Protection Productivity to be Built
Top One
Nuclear Power Control Rod Drive Mechanism
Annual sales revenue
Total assets
We Keep Updating Our Philosophies and Dare to Explore into the Unknown
We effectively optimize our portfolio of business segments, fully leverage collaboration from upstream to downstream, steadily put our strategic plan into practice, and lead ongoing development of the industry.
Sustainable Development -
We are committed to
Research and Development, Recycling and Reuse of clean energy
We persist in our missions with a pioneering spirit and never relent in the pursuit of our goals!
Through long-term pioneering efforts and unrelenting commitment to our goals, we continue to expand
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